Pool Inspector Visual Library -



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Australian Standards can be based on the date your pool was installed and the state you are based in.

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Projections & Indentations

Image is showing the Non Climbable Zones on a barrier that has indentations or projections that could be used as a handhold or foothold to assist climbing

Any projection or indentation in a barrier can be used for climbing. Projections and indentations do not only appear on a brick wall, any horizontal surface of 10mm or more on any barrier type is classed as a foothold

Indentation, Projection, Protrusion, NCZ, Non Climbable Zone, No Climbing Zone

Standards -




Windows to a pool area

Windows that open into a pool area must be a certain height off the ground or be fitted with secure mesh, bars or be not able to be opened more than 100mm in order to stop access to the pool area.

Windows leading into a pool area can easily be forgotten about in regards to being an entry point to the pool. If a window is not high enough off the ground then screens, bars or mesh can be used to secure no entry. Another option is to limit how far the window can be opened.

Window, Windows, Bars, Mesh, Screen

Standards -



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